
Authzen contexts are data types which hold all of the necessary http clients/connections to the underlying authorization engines, data data sources and transaction caches. In rust, they are any type which implements AuthorizationContext. AuthorizationContext can be derived on structs like so:

fn main() {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, authzen::Context, authzen::data_sources::diesel::Db)]
pub struct Context<D> {
    pub session: uuid::Uuid,
    pub db: D,
    pub opa_client: authzen::authz_engines::opa::OPAClient,
    pub mongodb_client: authzen::transaction_caches::mongodb::MongodbTxCollection,

or if you want to do so in a generic way you could define context like this

fn main() {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Context, Derivative, Db)]
pub struct Context<D, S, C, M> {
    pub session: S,
    #[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
    pub db: D,
    #[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
    pub opa_client: C,
    #[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
    pub mongodb_client: M,
pub type Ctx<'a, D> = Context<D, &'a AccountSession, &'a OPAClient, &'a MongodbTxCollection>;
pub type CtxOptSession<'a, D> = Context<D, Option<&'a AccountSession>, &'a OPAClient, &'a MongodbTxCollection>;